Минская областная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина Минская областная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина

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Дэвид Браун

Дорогие читатели!

К нам опять приехал Дэвид Браун из Австралии!

С новыми интересными идеями и проектами.

12 сентября в 18:15 приглашаем на лекцию «Blunders of English»

18 сентября в 18:30 приглашаем на чтение книги «The Mountain that loved a Bird»

«The Mountain that loved a Bird»

Last year, David of Oz (Oзтралия))), presented a Reading from Winnie-the-Pooh. The response was highly positive, so he will present another Reading this year on: The Mountain that loved a Bird.  He chooses children’s stories because those stories are written for intelligent adults (if you can find any!))  

Attendance is free and open to the public, so come and bring every intelligent person with you.

Regardless of the topic, a person who wants to improve their English language usage can gain a lot from hearing a native Australian-English speaker in the flesh.  Every intelligent person knows that Australian-English is The Best.

The Reading will be in three parts:

1.  David will tell the Story and the audience can read the words on the overhead screen and so learn some pronunciation and spelling.

2.  After the Story is told, David will analyse it in language and literature, covering such topics as English tenses, articles, sentence structure, gender, pronouns, vocabulary, character development, plot, emotional impact, and awkward things typical of the messy English language.

3.  Audience questions: If David, the Wandering Kangaroo, is in an extremely generous mood, he might answer one or two questions asked by intelligent persons.
Wednesday September 18, 2019, 18:30-19:50


День знаний в библиотеке

Поздравляем всех наших читателей с началом учебного года!

В дорогу, девчонки! В дорогу, мальчишки!
По лесенке знаний шагайте смелей!
Чудесные встречи и добрые книжки
Ступеньками будут на ней.

К. Ибряев

