Минская областная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина Минская областная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина

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Welcome to the public lecture

by the native Australian-English speaker, David of Oz,

on the topic:




David Brown will present his personal story of why he loves

the English language.

The lecture is FREE and open to public!


David of Oz says:

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“If you want to write well and speak well in any language, you must LOVE that language.  I love the English language!  In this lecture, I will present my personal reasons why I love this language, why it is a glorious language.  Despite all its messiness and inconsistencies, it is a brilliant language - one of the greatest creations of the human mind.  More accurately, I would say  one of the great creations of millions of human minds through many centuries and from all around the world (which is why it is so messy and illogical).         


My approach to language is as a philosopher, not a linguist.  I hope to reflect on numerous topics, including: the nature of the English language, precision of English, my three ideals of English grammar, nuances and subtleties, sentence structure and word order, speculative language, articles, syntax, a huge vocabulary with constellations of words (thesaurus), spelling-pronunciation, time and tenses, gender and pronouns.


However, the lecture will not be an English lesson - we will not talk about words, sentences, grammatical structures, or linguistic issues.  (University, college and private courses exist for people who want lessons.)  Rather, we will consider the different ways people think, and their different cultural attitudes arising from their language.  So there will be cross-cultural references important to people of Eastern European backgrounds.  This is a HUGE topic and I will only be able to touch on a little of it.

I want to stretch the minds of non-native, English speakers with new ideas and language.  Let's enjoy stretching and improving!” :))



Place:   Pushkin Library, Foreign Literature Department #2 (3d Floor)

Date:    Wednesday, September, 9

Time:   18:00 to 20:00; please, arrive no later than 17:55!


We hope you will join us there!